Payment information

You have to 3 options to proceed to the payment :

Our SIRET number : 811 001 924 00018. You can donwload our IBAN / RIB here

  1. By choosing "Online payment" using your Credit Card
  2. If you choose “Pay by purchase order”, be aware to provide the appropriate billing address.
  3. By choosing "bank transfer" or "Check", you will receive a "pre-purchase order".
    1. If this document is sufficient for your institution, send back the "pre- purchase order" with the indication of your payment and you will receive an invoice by email.
    2.  If your institution needs to issue a purchase order (available only from France) : send back the "pre-purchase order" edited by your institution to the indicated address, with the corresponding purchase order . You will receive an "invoice to pay". Once the payment is received, an invoice is sent to you by email.

 Your registration is validated when payment is received



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